“Hungry Tomato” is an educational publisher specializing in creating illustrated non-fiction children’s books that foster “soft-learning” skills. The goal of the publisher is to inspire a love of learning and creativity in young readers and provide families with fun and educational resources.
The company approached us with an initial request to create a 4-minute video in a fun and engaging style with voice over, storyboard, royalty free music and logo animation.
“Hungry Tomato” wanted to increase awareness of their brand and raise funds to publish more books and reach more book stores. However, they faced competition from other children’s book publishers and limited resources for marketing and fundraising.
To help raise £160,000 at crowdfunding platform
To address these challenges, we decided to produce animated video that showcased their books, mission, and impact on young readers. The video was used to raise awareness and funds through social media and crowdfunding campaigns.
Our team worked closely with marketing manager of “Hungry Tomato” to create a video that highlighted the key benefits of their books.
- Creating a storyboard and draft illustrations;
- Providing voice over file accordingly to the script;
- Using footage adjustments and color correction via Adobe Premiere;
- Creating animated frames that showcased the high-quality illustrations, educational content, and interactive elements of their books;
- Video editing testimonial footage from director who praised the books for their educational value;
- Discussion of the changes faced during the editing process and how they could improve the video;
- Choose royalty free music for the main audio track and assembling with the video footages and motion graphics;
- Showcasing the promotional video for Hungry Tomato in HD format.
Promotional video for Hungry Tomato was a huge success! It was shared widely on social media ads, reaching thousands of people. Not only did it raise awareness for the publisher, it also shattered their fundraising goal, bringing in a whopping £160,000 through the successful crowdfunding campaign. With these funds, they were able to bring even more educational and inspiring books to the hands of young readers, fulfilling their mission of sparking a lifelong love of learning and creativity.
This case study proves that investing in video production is a smart move for small businesses and nonprofits looking to boost their brand and raise much-needed funds. Contact us today!