

Mobile app “The Snuggo” by “Chill Baby Technologies” is a unique and innovative solution for parents who want to ensure the comfort and safety of their babies while traveling with Strollers or Prams. The app allows users to adjust and control the temperature of their baby’s environment, as well as receive safety alerts, all through their mobile devices. Despite offering a valuable service to parents, the app was struggling to attract new users and increase its visibility.


The challenge was to find a way to effectively communicate the benefits and unique features of the app to potential users. The app offered a complex set of features, and it was difficult to convey the value proposition through text or screenshots alone. In an era where demo and product videos were in high demand, the company executives saw the potential in investing in video production as a way to effectively showcase the app’s capabilities and demonstrate its real-world use cases to potential users.


Creating live action explainer video video with live footages and motion graphics.

This video highlighted the app’s key features and benefits, demonstrating how it could be used to control the temperature of a baby’s environment, receive safety alerts, and provide peace of mind to parents on the go. By showcasing the app’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design, our video effectively communicated the value proposition and differentiated the app from its competitors.


  1. We receive the RAW footages and draft version of the script.
  2. Helping with a few adjustments in the storyline;
  3. Creating a storyboard with a main frames of each part of the video;
  4. Choosing right sequence to create a compelling video story;
  5. Using color grading improvements via several compositions in Adobe Premiere and After Effects;
  6. Discussion of the changes faced during the editing process and how they could improve the video;
  7. We have chosen the main audio track and assembling with the video footages and motion graphics;
  8. Showcasing the final video composition to our client.


Explainer Video for Mobile App “The Snuggo” effectively communicated the app’s value proposition and helped increase engagement via Apple Store. The videos also generated positive buzz and helped build brand awareness, leading to more organic downloads and a growing user base.


Video can be used to effectively promote your mobile app across different media channels. Live Action Explainer helped to convey the app’s unique features and benefits, increase user engagement, and drive downloads. The results of the campaign demonstrated the power of video in attracting new users and building brand awareness for mobile apps.

If you need effective video for your mobile app, contact us today!


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